DWI / DUI Attorney for People in San Marcos
Hire a Former Prosecutor & Federal Officer to Defend You After a DWI Arrest
Having defended individuals in Texas accused of driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) for over 20 years, I know exactly what to expect during the DWI process. I know what type of evidence is needed to create a compelling case in your favor, and I have extensive insight into how the prosecution works.
If you have any doubt that you will need a lawyer in your fight against the charges that have been filed against you, I strongly suggest that you consider otherwise. As a former federal law enforcement officer and a former special prosecutor, I know firsthand just how devastating a DWI or DUI conviction can be for an arrested individual. I know that no one can afford to pay the price of conviction and I have devoted my entire practice to making certain that my clients come away with a clean record whenever possible.
Texas' Severe Penalties for DWI
All DWI offenses will be prosecuted harshly in Texas. Even if you have never been arrested before and are facing your first offense, you could be penalized with life-changing consequences.
First-time offenses can be penalized in the following ways:
- Fines not exceeding $2,000
- Jail time not exceeding 180 days
- License suspension for up to 2 years
- Possible completion of a court-approved DWI intervention or education program
- Possible installation of an ignition interlock device
- Other civil penalties, including increased insurance premiums, payment of legal fees, or payment of restitution
Understanding Adult & Underage DUI
In the state of Texas, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs, controlled substances, or alcohol. Law enforcement officials can measure the level of impairment of a driver by determining the blood alcohol content (BAC) level. BAC is typically measured by using a Breathalyzer test, chemical test, blood test, or urine test. In some cases, officers use standardized field sobriety tests as well.
If you are 21 years or older and are found to be driving with a 0.08% BAC level or higher, you could be facing serious criminal and civil penalties. If you are under the age of 21 years, the state of Texas adheres to a strict "no tolerance" policy and will try to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. It will be crucial to your future to retain a skilled DWI defense lawyer immediately after you have been placed under arrest.
Fight Your DWI. Retain My Firm Today!
If you are in need of a criminal defense attorney in San Marcos who can give you precise focus and total attention to your legal needs, do not wait another moment to call me. I know what is at stake in a DWI / DUI case and I know that you are deserving of the utmost understanding during this time. I am always happy to speak with my clients and potential clients regarding their worries, anxieties, questions, or options.
Contact my firm to set up your free case evaluation. I can meet with you over the phone or in person!

Why Do I Need A Lawyer?
Don't go without the proper representation during this difficult time.
Are You Facing DWI Charges?
Our firm is dedicated to serving the community with effective representation.
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